Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Islam Berpaham Liberal---VS---Islam Berpaham Fundamentalis.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Sesungguhnya Islam itu "SATU", siapa2 yang bershadad; dia adalah Islam.itulah definisi Islam.
"Dia-lah Allah Yang tiada Tuhan [yang berhak disembah] selain Dia(ALLAH), Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, Dia-lah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

[ Al-Azhar senior scholar refused to describe Shia as Infidel

Al-Azhar senior scholar, Sheikh Ashour, rejected the claim of Sheikh Yaqub based on "Shias are infidel" and stressed that Shias are not infidel and they are not going out of Islam.
but they are agree in the word "there is no God but Allah and prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of God", as well as the holy Quran is the book of God and the miracle of the Messenger of Allah and Kaaba is our Qiblah, so they are not infidels even if they imprecate Sahaba.]

Jadi semua firqoh2 seperti; Syiah, ---sufi, ---NU, ---ahmadiyah,--- liberal-- sunni,-- salafy,---wahabi,--- Islamael--anti hadits---Muhammadiyah---arqam---dll adalah Islam, semua saudara2 Islam.

Kalau ada salah satu Firqoh yg mengatakan bahwa saudara itu adalah Infidel atau kafir, atau sesat,sesungguhnya dialah yang kafir atau sesat. (hadits)

Islam liberal bukanlah agama, tapi pemahaman Islam yg maju,progresive. Islam liberal ada dimana mana;
Ada di PKS, NU,Muhammadiah, PAN,PKB,Gokar,PDI-IP dimana mana....

Perbedaan mendasar( Utama ) dgn saudara2 Islam kita dari Islam Fundamentalis(salafy-wahabi) adalah;
Islam Fundamentalis ingin mendirikan negara Syariat Islam di Indonesia dan menggantikan pancasila dan NKRI------mengikuti sistem negara agama Saudi dan Iran yg diskriminasi dan exclusive.

Sedangkan Islam Berpaham Liberal adalah sebaliknya, anti negara agama syariat Islam, tapi menganjurkan setiap muslim mentaati peraturan2 ALLAH dan sunnah rasul yang saih,bukan hadits2 budaya Arab.

Kalau ada anggota2 PKS ingin menarapkan syariat Islam bernegara atau menjadikan Syariat Islam menjadi peraturan2 Negara RI, kami sangat menentangnya.

Karena bertentangan dengan al Quran dan sunnah Rasul. Tidak ada perintah ALLAH satu ayat pun dlm al quran secara Explicit untuk mendirikan negara agama Islam. Kalau anda mohon di postkan.

Yang ada adalah dimana agama dan Ulil Amri terpisah.Lihat ayat;
Qs.4:59 dan QS 4:83.

Jelas2 diayat itu terpisah antara RASUL dan Ulil Amri. artinya adalah Secular dlm istilah sekarang ini.

Demikianlah penjelasan kami, kenapa kami mempertanyakan PKS aceh mendorong berelakunya Syariat Islam sebagai peraturan pemerintahan Aceh.

Semoga ada manfaat.
Semoga PKS tetap berada di jalan Yang lurus yaitu Al Quran dan sunnah Rasul yg sejati.
(bukan sunah Rasul budaya arab).


Note. Saya bersedia berdebat dgn sdr Anian Husaini.

Apakah PKS Menyetujui Hukum Lempar Batu Sampai Mati di Aceh?(Qanun Jinayah )

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb

Sesungguhnya tidak ada dalam Al Quran hukum Mati dengan lempar Batu kepada Perzina2 (Qanun Jinayah ).

Ulama2 Fundamentalis Aceh mengikuti budaya2 Arab yang kejam dan Bengis....Nauzubilah.

Islam bukanlah Arab-----dan Arab bukanlah Islam----ini harus di perhatikan sekali----kalau tidak umat Islam Indonesia akan menjadi Arab.

Hadits2 budaya Arab itu untuk orang2 Arab saja; Hadist2 itu bukan Syariat Islam.

Apakah pembaca budiman(PKS) menyetujui hukum lempar batu untuk wanita2 zina?
Apakah KPS mengikutipemhaman Islam Salafy-wahabi Saudi Arabia?

Bagaimana pendapat anda?

Semoga ALLAH memberikan hidayah kepada pemimpin2 Aceh agar kuat mecegah hukum2 yang bukan berdasarkan kepada AL Quran.


Indonesia: New law in Aceh makes adultery punishable by stoning
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network and the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women (SKSW Campaign) are gravely concerned to learn of a set of regressive new laws introduced in Aceh, Indonesia on 14 September 2009.

Indonesia's province of Aceh has passed a new law that imposes severe sentences for consensual extra-marital sexual relations, rape, homosexuality, alcohol consumption and gambling. Previously, Aceh's partially-adopted Sharia law enforced dress codes and mandatory prayers. <font color="red">"This law is a preventive measure for Acehnese people so that they will avoid moral degradation," said Moharriyadia, a spokesman for the Prosperous Justice Party.</font>
The legislation was passed unanimously by Aceh's regional legislature. "This law will be effective in 30 days with or without the approval of Aceh's governor," said assembly member Bahrom Rasjidhe. The governor of Aceh, a former rebel with the Free Aceh Movement, is opposed to strict Sharia law. He had urged more debate over the bill. A new parliament will be sworn in next month, after local polls saw the moderate Aceh Party win the most seats in the provincial assembly. The Aceh Party has said it will review the law once the new parliament is sitting. "It needs more public consultation. We need to involve the ulemas - the Islamic clerics - in drafting the law," said Adnan Beuransah, a spokesperson for the Aceh Party. About 90% of Indonesia's 235 million people are Muslim, practicing a moderate form of the religion.

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Sharia law in Aceh

The sharia law has been steadily expanding in Aceh over the last eight years. The Sharia Court (Mahkamah Syar’iyyah) was established in 2001 as part of the special autonomy granted the province. In 2002, the Aceh Legislative Council enacted the qanun (legal code) of the Sharia Court. The Sharia Court was formally inaugurated by Presidential decree in 2003. In 2004, there was a formal transfer of some criminal jurisdiction (jinayat) from the General Court to the Sharia Court by the decree of the Supreme Court. In 2005, the Sharia Court was in full operation and executing its verdicts. Among the laws that has been passed are mandatory headscarves for women, prohibition on alcohol, morality policing, compulsory prayers, and caning sentences meted out for gambling.

On Monday 14 September 2009, the expansion of sharia law took a quantum leap with the legislation of new punishments that are cruel, inhuman and degrading:

• Adultery: 100 cane lashes for the unmarried and stoning to death for those who are married • Homosexuality: 100 cane lashes and a maximum fine of 1,000 grams of fine gold, or imprisonment of up to 100 months • Pedophilia: Up to 200 cane lashes and a fine of up to 2,000 grams of fine gold, or maximum imprisonment of 200 months • Rape: At least 100 cane lashes and maximum 300 cane lashes or imprisonment of at least 100 months and a maximum of 200 months

Both opponents and supporters of the new law demonstrated outside parliament. According to news reports, all members of the 69-seat house voted for the bill, although some parliamentarians had previously voiced their opposition. Assembly member and supporter of the bill, Bahrom Rasjid, stated “This law will be effective in 30 days with or without the approval of Aceh’s governor”. It has been reported that the Governor of Aceh, a former rebel with the Free Aceh Movement, is opposed to the imposition of strict Muslim laws. Moderates are urging more debate over this bill, involving religious leaders and the opinions of civil society.

These new laws affect not only women, but in practice, women are far more likely to become victims of stoning. Even though there is no article in law that mandates punishment by stoning exclusively for women, patriarchal and discriminatory practices, interpretations and policies, as well as biological differences such as pregnancy, make women far more likely than men to be found guilty of so-called “adultery”.

Other than the sentence of stoning to death, the new Qanun Jinayah (Islamic Criminal Legal Code) will bring about the following problems:

• Simplification of the problems of rape (the threat of the law lumping together rape cases with cases of consensual sex outside marriage, i.e. zina) • Legalisation of rape in the household • Making the victim of rape the guilty party (which should actually be the rapist) if the victim were to report that she had been raped but is unable to provide four male witnesses who saw her being raped • Impunity given to rapists who rape at the command of superiors with authority – a frightening prospect if Aceh were to be again a site of military operations, as the rapists would be able to rape freely with this law • Harsh criminalization of alleged “homosexual behaviour” based on dressing and mannerisms

The potential for conflict between communities is already beginning to be visible. Fokus (a pseudonym used by a KAMMI activist) has communicated to the media that they are going to chase out of Aceh those who ask for the Qanun to be rejected.

Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), the fundamentalist Justice and Prosperity Party, said in a press conference in Aceh (17 September 2009) that all those who oppose the Qanun Jinayat are the stooges of “foreigners.

In Lhokseumawe, “religious people” who are arrested for assaulting others are asking for their cases to be moved from the General Court to the Sharia Court. They feel that the Sharia Court will judge them favourably because what they have done is to implement the Islamic sharia, according to how the Qanun is supposed to have regulated the duties of society.
Action needed:
The latest news (17 September 2009) is that the national government of Indonesia may review this new law in Aceh. The immediate priority is to ensure that this review is undertaken. International support calling for this is very much needed. Please support this call by writing a letter to the President of Indonesia to call on him to stand firm on his commitment to women's rights and human rights. Please also send letters to other Indonesian authorities.

Below is a sample letter setting out the demands of women's rights and civil society groups in Indonesia:

Subject: URGENT review of new Qanun Jinayah (Islamic Criminal Legal Code) in Aceh

[Dear Sir/Madam/Your Excellency],

I am gravely concerned to learn that on Monday 14 September 2009, in the Indonesian province of Aceh, the Aceh Legislative Council (DPRD) passed a law that expands the range of violent punishments for alleged moral and sexual transgressions, including stoning to death for “adultery” and 100 lashes for homosexuality.

This legislation has been passed despite protests from the Governor of Aceh and civil society. There are thirty days from 14 September until this law comes into effect.

I believe that these new laws are in violation of several Articles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, particularly:

• Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
• Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
• Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

These Articles were elaborated in major international human rights conventions – specifically, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, both of which Indonesia has signed and ratified and is therefore obligated to respect, protect and fulfil in its domestic laws and in practice.

No ‘religion’, ‘culture’ or ‘tradition’ should be used to excuse killing and maiming for alleged moral transgressions. We maintain that stoning to death is a grave and serious violation of international human rights law, and one that should not be overlooked by the international community.

Stoning is not prescribed in the Quran, and some Muslim-majority nations such as Malaysia, Tunisia and Algeria have banned death by stoning. Even in Indonesia, where over 90% of the population is considered to be from Muslim communities, stoning is prohibited as a form of torture by the national Constitution.

According to Komnas Perempuan (the National Commission on Violence Against Women), the most controversial point of the legislation passed by the Aceh Legislative Council is that for the first time stoning to death would be codified in the Indonesian legal system and Islamic jurisdiction would be expanded into criminal law when in fact national law should carry legal authority.

I also wish to point out that apart from the sentence of stoning to death, the new Qanun Jinayah (Islamic Criminal Legal Code) will bring about the following problems:

• Rape cases will be lumped with cases of consensual sex outside marriage, i.e. zina.
• Marital rape will be legalised.
• The victim of rape will be accused of being the guilty party in the case where the victim reports her rape but is unable to provide four male witnesses.
• Impunity will be given to rapists who rape at the command of superiors with authority
• There will be harsh criminalisation of alleged ‘homosexual behaviour’ based on dress and mannerisms

I join Komnas Perempuan and allies in Indonesia in appealing to the following decision-makers:

• We call on the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK) to undertake a judicial review of Law No. 11/2006 of the Government of Aceh (LOGA) concerning the sources the Aceh Legislative Council has used to pass the law.
• We call on the Governor of Aceh to take serious action to postpone the implementation of this legislation which incorporates certain interpretations of sharia law, and to support an open and comprehensive judicial review.
• We call on the Minister of Domestic Affairs to improve the effectiveness of the Department of Domestic Affairs in preventing the creation of discriminatory local regulations that are against the national Constitution.
• Most important of all, we encourage the President of the Republic of Indonesia to stand firm in his commitment to women’s and human rights, and to take political action by issuing a Presidential Instruction for all government officials in the ministries and local government to conduct a comprehensive review of and repeal discriminatory and unconstitutional regulations, especially the new law in Aceh.

Yours sincerely,

• His Excellency The President of the Republic of Indonesia
Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
State Secretariate
Jalan Veteran No. 17-19
Republic of Indonesia
Fax: +62-21-3502285
Ph. +62-21-34830724

• Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Jalan Tjut Nyak Arief 219
Banda Aceh
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Fax. +62-651-7553621
Ph. +62-651-7551377

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tifatul Sembiring Menkominfo Bego dan Penjilat
Buyung: Jangan-jangan Tifatul Juru Bicara Koruptor
Aprizal Rahmatullah - detikNews

Jakarta - Langkah Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo) Tifatul Sembiring yang tetap akan membuat Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah soal Penyadapan (RPP Penyadapan) terus menuai protes. Bahkan Tifatul dianggap seperti agen dari para koruptor.

”Jangan-jangan dia disuruh koruptor atau termasuk juru bicaranya. Itu sebagai corruptor fight back,” kata anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden(Wantimpres) Adnan Buyung Nasution saat ditemui detikcom di acara launching buku Koruptor Go Too Hell karya Bibit Samad Rianto, di Hotel Sultan, Jakarta, Rabu (16/12/2009) malam.

Menurut pendiri YLBHI ini, pemerintah boleh saja membuat aturan soal penyadapan. Namun, hal itu hanya bisa berlaku untuk polisi dan kejaksaan saja.

“Boleh dibikin tapi dikecualikan buat KPK, KPK jangan diganggu dulu,” tegas Buyung.

Buyung menjelaskan, Menkominfo sebagai wakil pemerintah harus membiarkan KPK tetap independen. Kalau dipaksakan, kalangan aktivis korupsi dan masyarakat akan sangat reaktif.

”Dia harus di demo, suruh turun dia dari Menkominfo. Kalau dia mau ikut merusak KPK,” imbuh pengacara senior ini.

Kalau tetap juga dibuat?

”Batalkan melalui MA,” tutup Buyung.


Buat para pemuja dan pengikutnya....

tolong sampaikan sama pemimpin suci ini ya...

memalukan, imannya cuma seharga kursi mentri

dan lebih memilukan, para pemujanya buta dengan kebijakan si penjilat ini..

oh ya, coba baca juga komentar orang orang yang baca berita itu detik...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tifatul Membuat PKS di Maki maki orang ?

Sadap meyadap itu bagian dari intelgen. Lah, kalau intelegen (mengintai) harus minta izin dulu, apa jadinya ?

sadap menyadap kagak perlu izin izinan, yang harusnya di atur itu, hasil sadapan boleh di buka dimana saja ? persidangan, mesjid, kampus atau dimana ? lalu siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas penyadapan itu dan dalam rangka apa menyadap.

Kalian itu nyadar tidak sih, sepak terjang Tifatul Sembiring itu membuat banyak orang jadi muak bahkan pengen muntah lihat PKS ?

Metetri tolol.. bisanya cuma menjilat..

Partai ini benar-benar jadi partai penjilat, tidak ada lagi sifat kritisnya...
harga imannya cuma sebesar 4 kursi mentri...

kalau PKB atau PAN ketahuan azasnya bukan dan tidak bawa embel embel Islam...

Yang jadi masalah adalah, kalian itu pakai embel embel Islam, berlagak seperti orang suci dan beriman...

nah, sepak terjang kalian ini, jangankan yang kafir, yang muslim aja jadi najis dan risih dengan orang orang seperti kalian, kalian telah menciptakan persepsi yang buruk di kalangan muslim awam apalagi orang kafirnya...

Ya, kalau yang berotak onta... pasti ngikut aja kayak onta...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kader PKS pasti BANCI Menghadiri acara Hari Anti Korupsi tanggal 9 Desember

Kalau demo dukung Palestina di Ujung langit, ribuan orang dikerahin...

tapi kalau demo memberanas korupsi.. ?

cuma slogan waktu kampanye mau pemilu aja...


Tanggal 9 Desember ada hari anti korupsi sedunia di Monas

aku yakin, kader kader PKS mulai dari yg culun sampai yang jided item penghapal 1000 ayat kagak bakal berani deh ikutan acara itu...

Penyelenggara: Forum Facebookers Peduli KPK
Jenis: Amal - Rally
Jaringan: Global
Tanggal: 09 Desember 2009
Waktu: 10:00 - 12:00
Tempat: Istana Merdeka


9 Desember 2009, Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia akan kita peringati bersama dengan menuntut pemerintah menyelengarakan pemerintahan yang bersih, menindak dan mengadili semua oknum2 pejabat yang terlibat korupsi tanpa terkecuali!

Beri rakyat rasa keadilan!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kalau Banci kerja di Salon, jangan di Senayan...

Salut dengan Anggota DPR dari PDIP, cerdas, lugas, berani dan berusaha konsisten. Kalau terus seperti ini, gue bisa jadi pilih PDIP tahun 2014, kagak peduli jika semua non muslim. Buat apa pilih partai Islam tapi banci (baca : tidak ada keberanian) menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan. Malu dong Ah..